Copyright Protection in the Internet-Era -with special reference to AI

Gauri Desai


Every day we see developments in Artificial Intelligence making headlines. With strides being made in AI, giving it the capability to create something new and original, one is left to wonder if its creations are subject to the same copyright laws that we are subjected to. Across the globe, various countries have taken difference stance on this, making this one of the most relevant and contemporary topics today. We see AI take over every aspect of lives, it is only natural to want to know more about it. From analyzing what copyright law is, to finding its impact on content created by artificial intelligence, this paper seeks to provide the reader with an insight into the legal domain of AI and copyright in the digital world. It is no surprise that a concept as evolved as AI has made it to the courts, with instances of it claiming copyright over the work it has created or helped create. Examining such real-world examples, helps get a better idea of what exactly is happening in the world of AI and copyright. This intersection, while relatively new, has a lot of scope, making it an interesting topic to delve into.

Key Words: Copyright, Artificial Intelligence, Internet

Recommended Citation

Gauri Desai, ‘Copyright Protection in the Internet-Era - with special reference to AI’ (2023) 1(1) OUJIPR, 68 accessed [date] Available at:

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