Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Intellectual Property Rights: Challenges and Opportunities

Dr. Mohd Akhter Ali & M. Kamraju


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming the intellectual property (IP) landscape, presenting both challenges and opportunities for businesses and inventors. AI can create, manage, and exploit IP assets, raising complex legal and ethical issues related to ownership, patentability, copyright infringement, and data protection. On the other hand, AI can also help automate and streamline the management of IP assets, assist in the search and analysis of existing IP assets, create new business models, and improve IP enforcement. It is essential for policymakers and IP professionals to stay abreast of these developments to ensure that IP law evolves to meet the needs of this rapidly changing technological landscape. This paper discusses the challenges and opportunities that AI is presenting in the context of intellectual property rights.

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Intellectual Property, Ownership

Recommended Citation

Dr. Mohd Akhter Ali & M. Kamraju, ‘Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Intellectual Property Rights: Challenges and Opportunities’ (2023) 1(1) OUJIPR, 21 accessed [date] Available at:

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