Artificial Intelligence (AI) vis-ŕ-vis Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs)

Diya Saraswat & Arpit Agrawal


This paper provides a comprehensive examination of the intersection between Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Intellectual Property (IP) within the domains of art, music, entertainment, and technology. It delves into key subtopics, including the challenges of attribution in AI-generated works, the implications of ChatGPT for IP rights and copyright, the impact of AI on Trademarks, the potential of AI and Blockchain in IP protection, and the evolving IP policy landscape relating to art, music, entertainment, and technology. By addressing these subtopics, the report sheds light on the complex legal, ethical, and policy considerations arising from the integration of AI in the creative process, offering valuable insights for policymakers, practitioners, and stakeholders in navigating dynamic landscape of AI and IP in digital age.

Keywords: AI, Copyright, Data, Technology, Blockchain

Recommended Citation

Diya Saraswat & Arpit Agrawal, ‘Artificial Intelligence (AI) vis-ŕ-vis Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs)’ (2023) 1(1) OUJIPR, 1 accessed [date] Available at:

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